Ansome - MonkeyMan901 - Perma'd for Raisins //DENIED

IC NAME: Roscoe Beach
BYOND KEY: MonkeyMan901
DATE OF BAN: 6/14/21
DURATION OF BAN: Ad infinitum


YOUR APPEAL: Scant time goes by where I don’t reminisce of my time on NSV13, the memories made, and the camaraderie of those I used to play with ( Kenny, Dutch, n’ Jeff :people_hugging: ). All good things must come to an end however and my downfall was- to put it frankly- my own fault. There’s zero justification to my immature behavior that round aside from me being high on my own farts (and gunpowder).

Both this game and its community are deeply missed by me. I realize this might be asking for a lot, especially given my not-so-clean track record, but please give me a chance to let me prove myself.

This is now under review.

To appeal the ban you will require the following: Three Vouches of good standing from other servers and a two year clean record. At this time your last record of ban that we can see is 2/6/2023.

Thank you for your appeal.