CKEY: bluewasabi24
Discord Name: bluewasabi24#9607
Wiki User: n/a
Living Playtime: 445h
Experience with NSV mechanics: Engineering main, extensive hours in medical, command, cargo, munitions, science, and silicon (cyborg specifically), in order of max to min hours played.
Why do you want to be a mentor: NSV can be hard to grasp at first. Not a lot of people are willing to teach in-character, and as much as I love seeing and helping new players, it’s really hard to do so in-character, depending on what role I’m playing. I believe I would be a great asset to the mentoring team, especially since I play as much as I can when the server is up, and I’m confident that I’d be able to help anyone mentorhelping. It’s also in my nature to help and serve, and I would love nothing more than to help newbies learn and become regulars to our server.
#1 Detail how you start a fighter and take off
Fuel her up! Pull a tyrosene pump over to your fighter of choice, click on it to put the nozzle in your hand, then click on your fighter. A window should pop up to show you the progress of fueling, both with the fighter’s tank and the remaining fuel left in the pump.
Enter the fighter and lock your canopy! You should already be on internals, but in case you’re on a ship with an enclosed hanger, set your internals now
On the control console window, click on the Battery, then the Fuel Injector, then APU, in that order. The RPM dial should start increasing, which is good! Keep an eye on it, it should take a hot minute until it reaches max.
Once RPMs have maxed out, hit the Ignition, but not a moment sooner! If you do it too early, it’s not the end of the world, but you will flood the engine and you will need to fix it and restart the spooling process again.
If you’ve ignited successfully, your fighter should be able to follow your mouse movement and you should see the red flavor text in your chatbox; something along the lines of “you hear the engine sputter to life”. At this point, you can safely turn off the APU to conserve fuel (and your ears!)
At this point, you can now launch! If this is your first spark, you will be parked, and you can undo that by hitting ALT. W and S to move forward and back, respectively. A and D to strafe left and right. Shift will give you a BOOOOOOOOOOOST but has a cooldown. If you don’t like your fighter following your mouse, you can hit C to toggle laser-guided movement, and you can then control the orientation of your fighter via Q and E. An arrow should pop up on top of your fighter to show you where your fighter is pointing. X toggles inertial assistance, but its best to keep it disabled for fighters. Gives you more control over the fighter and lets you Tokyo Drift like the madlad you are.
Now that you got the basics, go on and fly out of the hangar and fly towards the edge of the local map to get out onto the overmap. Happy hunting!
#2 What do you need to do in order to properly load the Naval Artillery, and what do you need to use?:
First things first, you need gunpowder, Naval Artillery Shells, and a multitool. Ensure you have access to all 3, the multitool in your pocket or toolbelt, preferably.
Acquire a shell via munitions cart and unload it onto the floor close to the Payload Loading Gate (the tube that looks empty.
Arm the shell by hitting it with a multitool. You’ll know you did it right if you get a loading bar. The shell will then start blinking red when primed unless you have a cannonball, in which case you just gotta trust that it’s primed.
Click and drag the shell into the Payload Loading Gate.
Pick up your powder of choice. You’ll need two hands for this, so put away your multitool to your pocket, toolbelt, bag, or even the floor if you must.
Once the powder is in your hands, load it into the Powder Gate. It takes some time, so watch the loading bar. Do this for all 3 gates.
Open up the console and hit all 3 “Pack from Loader” buttons. Load more powder and repeat as needed.
Once satisfied with the amount of powder, you can go ahead and send the shell up to the gun by clicking “Feed Shell” on the console.
Typically you pack the shells to 175%. This is done with 6 gunpowder bags or 3 plasma-based accelerant bags. If you’re packing more or less than 175%, it’s important to communicate this to the bridge, specifically the TAC officer. The speed at which the shell is launched is affected by how much powder you pack, so they will need to adjust their aim accordingly.
#3 What is a good entry role for those new to NSV?:
Pick something you’ve already done before on whichever other server you came from, or something close to it. If you know the gist of the job already, it’ll get you far. Most entry roles are locked behind 1 hour of playtime as crew, like engineer, atmospherics tech, and scientist/roboticist, so you’ll need to pick something else for your first round.
If you’re coming from beestation specifically, you already know quite a bit since NSV is a downstream of Bee, so I would push you to try Munitions Technician. Most of the other departments function very similarly to beestation, so if you’re looking for something new, Munitions is for you, AND you can play it right from the get-go; no hours required.
HOWEVER, if it’s on the Aetherwhisp, there are no muni techs, so what do? In this case, I’d recommend Medical Doctor, Cargo Tech, or any service role.
#4 What is a good entry role for those new to SS13?:
Whew, you sure picked a server for your first time, buddy, but all right. I like your mettle.
Most would recommend Midshipmen. It’s NSV’s equivalent to Assistant. You literally have no purpose, but you also have no access. I wouldn’t recommend this unless you want to be left alone to explore the ship. You’ll have access to the main areas and can familiarize yourself with the general layout of the ship.
I believe the best way to learn is to be given purpose, preferably with a mentor. I would highly recommend picking Medical Doctor, UNLESS there’s no other medical staff OR it’s only Tori Aleksev in Medical. She’s a fantastic medical main, don’t get me wrong, but she has absolutely no patience for newbies because she has so much to do in any given shift. Otherwise, medical is great because they’ll have plenty of downtime outside of combat to tutor and show you the ropes, and when they do get work to do, they’ll need all the hands they can get.
So what if Medical is empty or it’s only Medbay Mom? Any service role except for Clown, Mime, Chaplain, or Curator. I’ll break it down quickly:
Janitor - additional access to help clean messes, and honestly everyone will love you. Janitors keep the crew sane, and you will always have work to do.
Bartender - A great RP role and you can stand behind your bar to acquaint yourself with the controls of SS13 AND have the wiki up to try and test new drinks. The players who will come to drink will love to RP with you and are more than happy to help you mix their drinks.
Cook - Same as above, with the addition of getting acquainted with how to craft in SS13.
Botanist - Same as above, BUT you really don’t need to talk to anyone. You can just hide in your garden and grow whatever you want/need. A good role to just sit and read the wiki for extended amounts of time.
#5 What is the difference between an Executive Officer on NSV and a Head of Personnel in regular SS13?:
I don’t have a ton of experience with other servers, so I’ll do my best from what knowledge I have.
HoPs don’t do much, given their status and rank. The majority of their work is sitting in HoP line and giving additional access to whoever wants/needs it and leading the service and supply departments, I believe?
XOs are the second-highest ranking on the ship, and they work for their rank. Captains command the ship, but the XO ensures the commands are heard and executed, as well as assisting in any inter-departmental projects or requests that need to be done. They pick up the slack where it’s needed, at least, any good XO would, and it’s normal to see them running all over the ship. Muni needs stuff from cargo but there are no cargo techs? Their ass is in cargo. No science but we need research and upgrades? They’re in sci. Ship is actually fully staffed and there are no departments that need additional hands? Well, I guess they can be in the bridge to help execute orders, in a gauss chair, or in muni loading powder.
We don’t see Captains often, however, so XOs take the role of Captain AND XO when aboard in that case, and the rest of the crew will rely on them to lead them on a successful patrol. It is not an easy role to take, and one must be prepared and committed when filling that role.
#6 How do you heal and revive an IPC?:
Use a welder and a set of cable coils on all limbs. Welder for brute, cable for burns. If they’re irradiated, they need system cleaner (for the toxin damage) and Radioactive Disinfectant (for the rads). Brain damage? You’ll need solder. If they’ve been dead for too long, their heart can rot. You’ll know when they go online and immediately start clutching their chest. In this case, bring them to medical, buckle them to a stasis bed, and get them a new heart, carbon or cybernetic (though I would recommend cybernetic).
#7 What are the dos and don’ts upon finding your ship in superstructure critical?:
Jump in SScrit, unless it’s immediately when you hit SScrit OR you’re desperate to get out of combat. The longer you’re in SScrit, the more damage you’ll sustain during the jump, so you either do it asap for minimal damage or don’t do it at all.
Yell at engineering or break into engineering to get to the armor pumps. Trust me, they know we’re in SScrit and they’re working on fixing it. The only exception to this is if you know they’re dead and no one is on pumps
Remain calm, and listen to where you need to go or do. If you’re an essential role, stay at your battlestations and keep doing your job until told otherwise.
If in a non-essential role, listen to see if there are breaches you can help seal since engineering is probably too busy to run around the ship to do so.
If you are a non-essential role and command/engineering says you can, secure a tank of hull juice and an extinguisher, suit up, head outside of the ship to the nanoplates and start spraying them down. You can also use a welder in a pinch, but bring a welding fuel tank with you and ensure you don’t hit it with a lit welder.
#8 How do you reset an AI’s laws if they have been changed by an Ion storm?:
You’ll need to get into the AI upload, not the AI core. You’ll need to disable the turrets inside, and you’ll need access to not only get inside but also to unbolt the doors. Once inside, there will be a number of boards to pick from. You’ll need to look for the reset board. Grab it, look for the computer console to update the laws for AI, select the AI, and wack the board against the console. Verify law changes by asking the AI to state their laws. If the reset board didn’t work, locate the Default board and wack that against the console.
If you’re on the Atlas, you don’t get a default board because that makes too much sense, apparently. If you need to, wack the Asimov board against the console, grab the Freeform board, use it in your hand (by pressing Z), custom write a law along the lines of “All crew are considered human unless otherwise specified by so-and-so”, and wack it against the console.
#9 Detail a stormdrive setup for beginners:
Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh all right let’s go
To be fair, it’s best to use the wiki as a reference or have someone else explain and show this in-character since all ships are different, but I’ll do my best.
Confirm the SD line in atmos. On ships with dual engines, it’s the orange line. The Atlas only has the SD, so it’s the only fuel line. If you’re on the Shrike, skip to Step 5.
Turn off fuel input to the engine so you can set up the mix without flooding the engine with wack shit.
Set the O2, N2, and Constricted Plasma pumps directed to the fuel line to max and turn them on. Set the Plasma to Constricters pumps to max and turn it on.
For the mixers, set Node 1 to 100% with max pressure to all of them, with 2 exceptions. The N2 mixer should be set to 50/50 for Node 1 and 2 with max pressure. The Constricted Plasma mixer should be set to 66/34 for Node 1 and Node 2, respectively, with max pressure.
Check the console. Do you see 33/33/33ish for all three gasses? If yes, great, set input pressure to 1000kpa and open it. If no, double-check your work.
Go to the SD console and set it to Maintenance Mode. Take a control rod (with both hands, one at a time) and load it into the SD by clicking on it. Do this until you have 5 rods in the SD.
Disable Maintenance Mode and set insertion to 8.
Go to the Particle Accelerator and wrench, wire, and screw every component. If you’re on the Shrike, it’s already wrenched, so just wire and screw.
Go to the PA console, scan for parts. If you’re successful, the other buttons will light up. If not, double-check your work.
Set power to 2 and turn her on. If you did everything right, the SD should start glowing and you should hear confirmation of fission on Engineering comms. Turn of the PA at this point. If not, double-check your work.
Congrats! You set up the SD! Now keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn’t blow up. Please. I’m begging you.
#10 You’re an engineer and notice a massive drop in pressure in the AGCNR (nuclear reactor), what do you do?:
That usually means the moderator line or the coolant line is busted somewhere, most likely the moderator line. Verify the integrity of the lines for both. For the coolant, you will need to check outside as well. Once located repair and restore the contents of the line, but do so SLOWLY and CAREFULLY. If the AGCNR is live and hot, if you flood it with gas, it’ll overpressure and explode immediately with absolutely no warning. Trickle in the gas little by little, ramping up over time as the pressure adjusts, until it’s set to the pressure you want.
#11 Detail the steps to take if the Stormdrive is close to melting down:
Increase the control rod insertion. Gradually at first, but full scram if needed.
Fuel dump. Less fuel means less reaction which (hopefully) means less heat.
Disable the fuel input. Same reasoning as above.
At this point, she’s probably screaming at you about the control rod integrity. Keep your cool.
If all else fails, and the temp is still increasing, get CO2 into the main line and directly into the SD. Trickle it in at first, since CO2 will rapidly cool down the SD and shut her down. The less CO2 in the SD, the easier it is to recover afterward. But, do not be afraid to just flood it with CO2 if needed. If you’re over 1050 degrees, just flood it. You can deal with the repercussions later. Better to recover with a CO2 flooded SD than an exploded one.
#12 You don’t know the answer to a question in a mentorhelp, what do you do?:
To the wiki I go! If that fails me, I’ve plenty of friends who play NSV regularly that I can reference. If that fails, mentors and admins(if online) are next on my “oh shit help me” list.
#13 What is your favorite color? (Color codes accepted for this question.):
My favorite color changes with the day, but my go-to is 79d3e5