Discord - [Ansome] - Shezza - ban peal - //DENIED//

Discord Username: Shezza#0001
Discord Nickname: manslaughter
Discord User ID: 219154746815021057
Reason for ban: Use of a slur against aboriginal peoples, this makes the 7th warning we’ve had to give you in this Discord regarding your behavior and it’s not the first one for racism either. Make an appeal on the forums on why we should let you back into this community if you care…
#mod-log Case Number (if available):228683357192585216
Why should you be unbanned?:
Unless i’m blind I’ve had 2 warnings before this ban, only one of them was about calling someone “black”.
I don’t think that mutes with no actual reason added could be constructed as warnings by anyone.
Taken from cambridge dictionary:

something that makes you understand there is a possible danger or problem, especially one in the future

for example a mute with a reason “no” is not a warning.

As for my usage of A*o, i’ve read about it and barely anyone thats not from australia or new zealand knows its not a abbreviaton but a racial slur so excuse my ignorance about the term and accept my apologies for using it.

It really wasn’t my intention to offend anyone with usage of the word, I was simply recalling a story told to me by my australian friends.

I would hope that one notable detail would tip you off that your story had racist undertones to it - namely that in this story these indigenous peoples are specifically called “feral”. As for your previous warnings, no, they are not swept under the rug because they aren’t properly documented. I’m disappointed that Kmc didn’t document them well, but they are still warnings and at the end of the day, that documentation is there more for us than it is for you. Us slapping your hand and going “no” when you do something bad is still a warning, one which you will hopefully remember in the future, as stated in the example you provided from the Cambridge dictionary.

In cases revolving around slurs, ignorance is not a defense. Racism, especially in a casual manner like this, is simply not accepted here and we’ve already had to warn you about this before in a previous warning. It should be noted that combined with your repeatedly bad behavior warranting 7 individual warnings, you are also banned on the game server. You have no practical reason to be on the Discord server because of this, so tell me why we should allow you back into the community if your behavior has still not improved since then?

but they are still warnings and at the end of the day, that documentation is there more for us than it is for you.

If there’s no documentation then you cannot possibly assume what went down at the time of the ““warning”” or what the warning was about.

mute | case 305
Offender: Shezza#0001@Shezza
Duration: 59 minutes and 59 seconds
Reason: https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/650745952856047636.gif?v=1
Responsible moderator: Kmc#0878

mute | case 302
Offender: Shezza#0001@Shezza
Duration: 1 hour
Reason: no
Responsible moderator: Kmc#0878

Do these not seem as “meme warnings” to you?

Because knowing the context, they are to me.

You speak of

repeatedly bad behavior warranting 7 individual warnings

knowing 5 of these are actual warnings, earliest one being 9 months ago stating

mute | case 163
Offender: Shezza#0001@Shezza
Duration: 1 minute
Reason: Ping Spam
Responsible moderator: Francinum#0001

Which, If you ever feel like spending time actually looking at warnings for context instead of seeing ones and zeros like some sort of a ban automaton you’d realize that I have not repeated this offense

So leaving us at only one legitimate relevant warning for racism

warn | case 528
Offender: Shezza#0001@Shezza
Reason: Do not say “You are black” as an insult or use it with a negative connotation. We all know your intentions, don’t try to slide this off as something it isn’t.
Responsible moderator: Ansome#9771

You may think to yourself now

Yeah you probably deserved that

Lets look at other people with 7 warnings then

warn | case 501
Offender: xDyou#1612<@373534072980504576>
Reason: no memes featuring the N-word, even with the “soft a”. Please review our rules in #welcome-rules. Thanks!
Responsible moderator: Ansome#9771

warn | case 510
Offender: xDyou#1612<@373534072980504576>
Reason: Keep bigotry off this server
Responsible moderator: Kmc#0878
ID: 373534072980504576•11/07/2020

warn | case 514
Offender: xDyou#1612<@373534072980504576>
Reason: No NSFW content (stuffed deer getting railed by a metal rod, just c’mon man.)
Responsible moderator: Ansome#9771
ID: 373534072980504576•11/07/2020

mute | case 533
Offender: xDyou#1612<@373534072980504576>
Reason: Don’t start shit with people.
Responsible moderator: Ansome#9771
ID: 373534072980504576•11/28/2020

mute | case 535
Offender: xDyou#1612<@373534072980504576>
Duration: 5 minutes
Reason: If you have a complaint with how I moderate the Discord, please make a complaint on the forums
Responsible moderator: Ansome#9771
ID: 373534072980504576•12/01/2020

warn | case 539
Offender: xDyou#1612<@373534072980504576>
Reason: No hornyposting.
Responsible moderator: Ansome#9771
ID: 373534072980504576•12/07/2020

mute | case 544
Offender: xDyou#1612<@373534072980504576>
Duration: 2 minutes
Reason: No creepy speech. Quit yelling and grow up.
Responsible moderator: Ansome#9771
ID: 373534072980504576•12/16/2020

mute | case 554
Offender: xDyou#1612<@373534072980504576>
Duration: 1 day
Reason: Our slur ban does not account for context. I was not saying you were trying to say the gamer word, I was trying to tell you not to say anything similar to it for the sake of our rules. Clearly you’ve got a stick so far up your own ass you can’t understand this. Take a day to think this over.
Responsible moderator: Ansome#9771
ID: 373534072980504576•12/28/2020

Woah a streak of 7 warnings in 2 months
Blatant racist remarks
Outright saying the n-word multiple times
Evading the word filter
Posting nsfw

You’d think that at that point the gentleman here would be given the boot like me right?

Nah just a arbitrary decision to ban him for 1 day instead

You have no practical reason to be on the Discord server

I get it that you’re unbanning me as soon as my server ban is over or I make a PR making me a contributor right?

so tell me why we should allow you back into the community if your behavior has still not improved since then?

You stating that my behaviour has not improved is entirely false because

I have not used a racial slur intentionally or knowingly
I do not stir shit in the discord
I do not ping spam
I do not hornypost

All which i’ve been warned for before.

So knocking out multiple reasons to keep me banned from the discord, what else do you have other than personal bias?

Happy new year

You stating that my behaviour has not improved is entirely false because

I have not used a racial slur intentionally or knowingly
This part I agree with.
I do not stir shit in the discord
You have a major history of starting shit on random topics or with random people
I do not ping spam
I do not hornypost
You do love to spam anime cat shit.

I think the slur part of the ban is debateable, and we’re having internal discussions on how to handle the bigotry rule, however, I’d need to see this story that mentions “abo” or whatever to see if it warrants a ban like this.

You’ve got a history of being a general nuisance, and are extremely good at toeing the line on rules to avoid a ban. Why should we have you back when you require constant supervision from admins, taking time away from other moderation duties?

You have a major history of starting shit on random topics or with random people

You are right to call it a history because last time I was warned over that was well over half a year ago.

You do love to spam anime cat shit.

I did not have image permissions since verification was added, making it impossible for me to post any “horny” images.

I think the slur part of the ban is debateable, and we’re having internal discussions on how to handle the bigotry rule, however, I’d need to see this story that mentions “abo” or whatever to see if it warrants a ban like this.

Story was told to me by australians from DDMers
It was when stealthkibbler went missing for a week or so
I asked where he was and they replied with this story about him going late at night to the Servo to get a pack of timtams and getting stabbed by an aboriginal (slur used here, which i thought was just a abbreviation) over said pack of timtams, because “they’re a delicacy”.

I have a history of being a general nuisance, however I think we can agree that i’ve mellowed out since everything i’ve been warned over was not an issue later on. I’m genuinely trying to improve here.

As for constant supervision from admins
I seriously hope there isn’t an admin checking my messages daily for something they could ban me for.
Jokes aside, I believe its a exaggeration.
I’ve generated about 10 cases (unmutes included) out of 558 cases (unmutes included) on the server according to mod-log over a span of a year which really is not a lot.

So, I’ve got a question or two and a couple points.

Question 1: If you’re genuinely trying to improve why do you keep toeing the line? Sure, you stick your toe on one part and don’t put it back, but you keep finding new sections of the line to step your toes on.

Question 2: How are you getting the total number of modlog instances?

Point 1: Out of the many, many people that we’ve had to deal with on the discord you are, arguably, one of the most painful ones not only for the fact that you seemingly love to toe the line and see exactly what you can get away with, which, oh by the way, is a violation of our rules in general… (and if it isn’t i’m making it retroactive policy, because it’s been a server policy since inception).

Point 2: At this point you’re an extremely good lawyer. The issue is that lawyering only works for Rules as Written, not Rules as Intended.

So, just to reiterate, if you are really trying to improve you should stop testing the bounds of what is permitted. You shouldn’t have been rocking the boat, you shouldn’t have been checking where the water’s edge is, no toeing the line. So I’ll ask you here a question that I’ve asked in other unlikely ban appeals. Why should I make my staff put up with and moderate your rule lawyering bullshit when you’re not going to do your best to stay inside the lines?

How are you getting the total number of modlog instances?

Mod-log channel

If you’re genuinely trying to improve why do you keep toeing the line? Sure, you stick your toe on one part and don’t put it back, but you keep finding new sections of the line to step your toes on.

This is a really vague statement, you bring up no examples of me toeing the line and present it as a fact. Considering I only have a couple of warnings, I’d argue that what you’ve said here is not very true.
Its up to you to prove I’ve been toeing the line.

the fact that you seemingly love to toe the line and see exactly what you can get away with, which, oh by the way, is a violation of our rules in general… (and if it isn’t i’m making it retroactive policy, because it’s been a server policy since inception).

so as to give the impression of having a certain quality; apparently.

So its not really a fact then, as I’ve said above.

As for the rules as intended, maybe that should be more clearly stated in the rules. Since I can’t find much on it, both in ingame rules and discord rules.

At this point you’re an extremely good lawyer. The issue is that lawyering only works for Rules as Written, not Rules as Intended.

I’d argue that not all admins view the rules the same way, meaning there will always be a argument of how the rule is interpeted by admins.

Because you allow admins to interpret the rules themselves, rule lawyering will always be there, intention of the rules is always up to interpretation based on each case.

As for the incident leading to this ban appeal, I’d argue it could’ve ended in a mute/warning. As I was not aware of meaning of the word and didn’t use it deliberately.
And as my intention wasn’t to toe the line, as i’ve clearly admitted that I apologize using the word and owned up to my mistake. You can’t really attribute it to that either.

So I’ll ask you here a question that I’ve asked in other unlikely ban appeals. Why should I make my staff put up with and moderate your rule lawyering bullshit when you’re not going to do your best to stay inside the lines?

Once again it comes down to you proving that i’ve been toeing the line.
With really no recent warnings recieved, its really just word against word.

Alright, I want to get a final poll of the lead staff. I’ll go ahead and keep tally here. There will be three options. First: Lift the ban. Second: Provide a last chance. Third: Deny the appeal.

@kmc2000 - Head of Project - Lift the ban
@ta3370 - Head Administrator - Keep the ban
@Sergei-Koralev - Head Administrator - Provide a last chance.
@Francinum - Head of Server Operations - Keep the ban
@Ansome - Head of Community Management and Outreach - Keep the ban

I’m in favour of lifting this one, although Shezza is Shezza I don’t agree with the ban.

Keep the ban, even if they didn’t know it was a slur, the context in which they used it was meant to be derogatory towards race, referring to them as “Rabid”.

-1 Keep the ban, I already stated my opinion on this one. Shezza’s a trouble maker and he should’ve known it was a slur based on context clues given the story’s contents.

Don’t know what context of “rabid” are you used to
but the context in this case would be “mad” or “insane”.

Thank you for stopping by.

I believe the exact words from fran when I asked him in a voice call were “Gods no.”

Appeal denied on account of a leads vote.