We need some new flavors of weapons. Suggest them here
Mine layer,
Lays mines behind the fighter/ ship which cause massive damage when someone flies into them
can be upgraded to have better mines and needs 1/10 ratio of metal and plasma to operate (metal for the casing plasma for the charge)
Small NPC drones
The ship/ fighter has a small hangar with pre-constructed drones in it (something for deck technicians to build) that are small pdc shooting fighters which automatically target any ship without IFF (so also emagged fighters)
Ion weaponry
Disables enemy ships for a bit
Could cause power outages for departments on ship when hit, could also have it mess with some CIC systems like messing with controls or something
30mm GAU, option for PDC’s runs through ammo faster, satisfying BRRRRRRRRRT
Yeah it’s the same idea (btw I only arrived like 5 months after that discord post so i didn’t know it was there) but I specifically want to emphasize it being AI controlled because I doubt there’s going to be enough people to actively control them while GQ is in effect
Ramming ship, let us ram the syndies
Maybe make a fighter class designed for this instead of using the main ship (which is usually the case nowadays)
Bananium warheads for torps.
Deals completely random damage on impact, also plays honk sound effects instead of the regular ones.
Hacking console, can be used by a new munitions role or by the BO manning the guns, the hacker console can upload viruses to other ships, the more powerful the virus the more expensive it is to create or the longer it takes to recharge, the console can be created through research, or is added to the main ship directly. The hacker console can either get expensive disks which upload the virus once per disk to the select ships, or a pre-made database which takes a while to recharge. The farther the ship, the higher the chance for it to fail. Of course there’s need to be balance so maybe a new ship that attempts to hack the main ship, these could be prevented by the AI, stopped by the AI, or a crew member at the hacking console.
Some of these suggestions could be made into torpedo warheads, making them more utility styled instead of pure damage would make them used instead of treated as salvage for MAC guns.
How about a manned laser turrent that is a beam. It uses energy from the power grid and can potentinally shut down the ship without being skilled in bursting it correctly or something like this
Having EMP torpedoes against ships sounds like a good idea. That way there is counter play (dodging, PDC, countermeasure missile) against them so the player ship doesn’t just get seemingly randomly EMPed in the middle of combat.